And once you become adapted to it, as your body adapts to everything, you will be unstoppable. More gently cooked veggies, beans and a little berries works for me. However, I believe Ive had it simpler than many of you so I just want to extend my congratulations and my best wishes. Going on 4 months with the exception of a small glass of wine at Thanksgiving and one on Christmas. Slowly, the sober life made sense and the desire to drink & use faded some. 3 weeks no booze, after escalating during Covid. I realized it was an oral fixation for me and chilling with my pretty gold rim, cheery quotes, elegant crystal wine glasses was glamorous. Ma little over 3 months AF. As time passes by you will notice healthy changes in your emotions, and with the help of therapy and counseling youll feel less and less depressed and mood swings. I would go AF feeling great then think I could do alcohol reduction which always turned into OVER drinking after a few days. Your liver will start to repair itself. I take one day at a time and am really enjoying my life now sober. Im 2 months and 10 days AF and as someone who works in a liquor store and drank heavily daily for about 7 years, I am incredibly proud of myself for my progress thus far. I have been trying to cut back as I have been drinking quite heavily over the last year. Your social anxiety might peak in this time. Its hard but live on. . 2 weeks for me. I also was hoping for instant weight loss but its happening just now. Probably the happiest ive felt in a long time. I decided, never again, I am the only speaker in my life, not some foreign substance. It is not a diet. Perhaps a B-Multi might help? Im at three months now and your comments made me laugh because they are so relatable Ive experienced the smugness and no weight loss for me because somehow Ice Cream has come crashing into my life in a big waycant get enough of it Good luck to all on their path to sobriety! The nutritional choices you make while under the influence arent optimal either. It slowly started sinking in, and I asked Jesus to help me stop drinking. I have always been very fit, eat healthy and love the gym. You can show up everyday for your life It can be a surprise for some, but alcohol rarely has a positive, long-term effect on peoples sex lives. For me everyday I say to myself, today really isnt a good day to drink. Take care, The HSM Team. So heres how you can keep yourself motivated for your first 6 months and long term sobriety: Enrolling yourself in a sober program will help you keep tabs on yourself. You can volunteer at a sober house as a sober companion or a sober coach to help others deal with their alcohol addiction. But there are plenty of health benefits to cutting back or stopping for good. Health and clear mind is my priority now. Looking forward to spending more time gardening, playing with the kids and being a good husband to a wonderful, supportive wife. Sleep still eludes me but I still wake up feeling better than I did before. There will be visible changes to your physical and mental health, how you deal with stressful situations and carry yourself in public. I have grandchildren that I want to be around to enjoy a long time. I noticed that the darkness under my eyes has significantly reduced, my memory has improved, and aside from these new ice cream/ chocolate cravings, it is not helping with any weight loss. Hi,Ive been a light but regular drinker for years,Mr Average.Now retired, found more time to open a bottle. I was never one to get up in the morning and drink but every evening without fail. After many failed attempts to start, I have now committed to giving up alcohol. I drank to forget the bad memories, then i realized drinking made me remember the bad/sad things . After getting sober, I didnt jump back into lifting weights but I did within a few years. Every day is a page. My doc told me that I had better reduce the intake or be prepared to develop cirrhosis like another patient of hers did as a result of continued alcohol abuse. Im at day 4 and feel great. I feel alot better. I never was big into sweets/soda but Ive been loving chocolate like the rest of you guys and diet ginger ale. Everyday is a gift & new opportunity. For me it was obviously the feeling that I loved but I also noticed it was the action of buying myself my reward for making it through another day of work etc. I now put ice tea and flavored fresh fruit water in my wine glasses. We would encourage you to hope for as many of these great benefits while keeping in mind that you are as unique as your fingerprint. Guess Im a bit slow , It is inspiring to see so many comments of success I would be celebrating 4 weeks today but I had a relapse celebrating a little food fortune.. No weight loss for me. Today I am 87days AF Is this an issue for you and your wife? It tastes like beer, no booze. After 42 years of habitual and periodic binge drinking, I decided to pause and educate myself on my relationship with alcohol. I would resign myself to feeling as though I would never be able to fix a bad situation I was just not strong enough or good enough. Gotta say, glad I realized what I was doing before it was too late. That i gained in lockdown from covid and my energy is over the top. Its okay. Do the benefits you finally started to acquire disappear and you have to start over again? My only concern at this point is a stubborn BP that has started to peak again. 60. A liter of 80 proof bourbon a day. Ive now been off the sauce for couple weeks, I feel great. The systems broken, not you . The first month was quite difficult mentally because I continuously tried to convince myself one drink isnt bad or I deserve it but luckily I was able to hold on. Pink clouding is defined as a false sense of security that you might feel with this newfound sobriety. It is worth mentioning that nutritional status improvement occurs when someone strop drinking, which is one big reason why people may see many of the above improvements with sobriety. Take care of yourself, for sure!! I wasnt really over weight before but I have lost a little weight any my body looks more trim than before. But one day at a time right . Boys, alcohol shrinks your bits. Your liver will also begin to repair itself. Ive been a heavy drinker 30+ years. Have been suffering Candida lately as well, although canesten now seems to be working. Focus better Once you have stayed sober for 6 months you will have overcome the withdrawal symptoms and notice changes and improvements in your memory and vision. Earlier this year I managed 4 1/2 months AF. I didnt like the dependency I had on drinking beer. I am two months in and feel better. Alcohol abuse also affects ones relationships with other people greatly. In January 2022 Ill be 41. Im embarrassed I allowed this to happen to me and I feel silly being this scared of what Ive done as Ive done this to myself. BLESSINGS TO ALL. My hairstylist confirmed this when I walked into the It may sound counterintuitive, since most of us are likely to quickly fall asleep after a night of drinking more than usual, but too much alcohol actually screws with your sleep status, says Brigitte Zeitlin, RD, CDN, MPH, the owner of BZ Nutrition in New York City. I was a everyday vodka and beer drinker. When you first stop drinking, your body will begin to detoxify itself. They have flown so quickly that I hardly know whats happened in between, but I can tell you that an old habit never ever ever ever even gets tempted into entering the scene again. Remember that everyones experience is different and you might not see the same changes for yourself at the same time as others. By cutting off alcohol you will notice that your sleep quality has become much better. Itchy all over before. Good luck to all . I can honestly say I do not miss the liquid I used to seemingly not be able to do without. After Six Months: After half a year without drinking, you will really start to reap the rewards. single. Look better. Some days I have to force myself to eat. I can have that feeling without it. After losing two family members I started drinking extremely heavily. Drugs were less of the issue but drinking, couple beers a day at first then that doubled mixed with some heavy hitting Friday and Saturday nights. Im 46, gone from being slim, active and full of energy and enthusiasm, to overweight, tried all the time and and generally feeling pretty crap about myself. Your body may shake uncontrollably for up to 24 hours after it enters your body. I felt like I did not know what to do with myself and aggitated. I get a sugar rush just thinking about it. Might seem silly but has really helped me stay strong for the last 2 months. I had a month sober and blew it I promised my son I would continue being sober because he likes to be around me sober. White Cheddar rice cakes are my crutch. Metabolic Age 49, February 26th 43 yo Make sure that you talk it out with someone when you feel like you might be in a danger of relapsing or just generally feeling down. High blood pressure. Because of these internal changes, relationships often improve or become more possible. I guess its only 36 days and Im reading more longer term improvement is possible as I abstain and this is keeping me a little level. Thanks for this article. An Alcohol-Free Year: Insights from My First 6 Months | Better Humans 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Generally feeling happier and more confident. Only 36 and did drink alot when younger but not much since 2018, dont miss it at all so far and am trying to ditch it completely as its very bad for my condition now. How do you handle it? 1 month AF, longest period of my adult life ( 34). Im now 81kg an getting in great shape. After I became single, I started drinking a lot at home. One physical aspect of a life time of drinking is that my testicles have shrivelled to almost nothing, this is a constant thought on my mind, as is a worrying lack of libido. Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis Alcoholic hepatitis can lead to irreversible scarring and damage thats called alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Good luck and enjoy the journey. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetur adipiscing elit. I dont remember my dreams anymore. I was hiding my drinking by of course tossing the bottles and cans in the recycling before anyone would see them, day drinking every weekend a 2 drinks on weeknights. I hope i am successful at quitting. I hope it works for you I am AF 50 days now and know Im an all or nothing personality. I reckon I have saved around 75 per month so far also. One week, well done, it goes on and on. Sweets, especially ice cream was a real problem in the beginning. Today I am sober one day at a time. 2. SO GOOD! This is your achievement and you have deserved it. It is not the real me. If you drink regularly, your brain will start to compensate by producing stimulating chemicals, according to Harvard Health. My relationships with family, friends, and my girlfriend is so much better. Memory loss, mood swings and no self control. Started weight lifting again Ive almost always had a gym membership because I like the sauna and lifting weights. I did fall over and could not get up without help and massive effort, even two weeks after. 7 weeks AF. The first time I tried it took a couple weeks this time it took a couple months. Im now looking forward to 60 days clean. I also want to say congratulations to many of you that have posted! First alcohol consumption in almost 4 months. Still no excuse. Thank you for this forum. I didnt really replace it with anything unhealthy. So i had my BP done on Monday this week which was very worryingly and i knew i had to do something pronto. I do get tempted every now and again but after 6 months the downsides of alcohol just dont seem worth it anymore. I can look forward now with hope and can actually make a go of things. The days seem sooo much longer. In the end that was the choice you made, and it doesnt matter how hard it was to make it. Both my sons are trying to quit now. That I get off! Resentments are a common problem among recovering alcoholics. Women's Health may earn commission from the links on this page, but we only feature products we believe in. <126\<78 Just keep in mind that the affects of heavy use are a lot harsher than our drinking culture would have us truly consider it takes time for the body to get back to normal. You can also make it a bit easier on yourself by avoiding thinking about what youre supposedly missing out onand when you do go out, drinking other hydrating beverages like water (flat or sparkling), tea (hot or iced), or something like a matcha latte, Zeitlin says. Im going to to try again in the next few days to stop. 'I Lost 50 Lbs. By not drinking for 3 months, the levels of your white blood cells rise, which reduces the risk of getting sick. Watched someone drink a bottle of wine in front of me last night. Did 3 rehabs, hospital, groups before doing it on my own. Dont believe everything you read, I have been working on reducing my alcohol intake, from 2 drinks a night to 2 a week. Lost 18lbs in the first 4 weeks. Sugar cravings insane, NO good sleep, headaches, BUT I realise Ibhavd to be patient, Ive been drinking for loooong. Ive lost almost 30 lbs and my blood pressure has gone down. Heineken and Becks make really great ones and I was an IPA fan. Lifeline is also available for support 24/7 on 13 11 14. So isolation was real bad. Ive just clocked up 5 months and my sleeping has improved dramatically along with marked reduction in stress and anxiety. You might even feel pressured and hopeless if you are not achieving your desired results but you have to remember that sobriety is a wonderful journey and will keep giving back. I quit 6 months ago I am skinny but still feel bloated (skinny fat ) and I feel worse now than when I was drinking ipa beers 3x a week my sleep sucks. With WW And Walking, How To Lose Weight Fast Safely And Naturally. My relationships, especially with my children. Meet the experts: Linzy Ziegelbaum, RD, is a nutritionist who focuses on making healthier food decisions and portion control. Come with me!! I wish everyone Good Luck and Peace in their lives. Better health all around. 3 months in, no change at all, dont feel better , sleep quality much worse, Im more stressed and miserable tbh, everyone is different, you read so many positive ha ha stories how wonderful life is, time for a balancing opinion. Finally, you may start to experience a boost in your overall mood and a less intense experience of anxiety or depression. Chairs may be placed in the water up to, but not above, seat level. Benefits too are more money in the bank (3 k per annum-estimates based on 2020 grog spending!) Four months today. I do four maybe five days without a drink, start to feel great and smug and then I will get stressed about something -usually work- and the only thing I want to do is drink beer. Metabolic age 45. It started to improve rather quickly when I decided to stop playin but it wasnt like normal right away. Sparkling waters, diet sodas and fruits like grapes have helped me greatly getting the carbonated feeling and sugar in my body that I missed from alcohol. Im a much cleaner and clearer performer, and Im having way more fun than before. The benefits are ridiculously wonderful! I feel better. How Do You Know If You Have A Hormonal Belly? Not being able to walk was the last straw. Many of the benefits listed above such as improved memory and ability to focus and concentrate, will continue. I find that one drink doesnt keep me from making healthy decisionsand its much easier to stop after one than after two or three. Journalling has helped a lot. im Glad there is moderators checking comments. My blood pressure has dramatically gone down, ive lost 20 lbs. Within 6 months I had never been so flexible. Plus I had a kidney concern show up on a test from that period. My bp and weight loss good. I could have written this article as Ive experienced about everything in it. Done a 90 day break. feeling better health wise mentally getting stronger eating and sleeping well. I was a daily drinker (around almost a bottle of wine in the evening, Id always leave a little bit just so I didnt feel guilty about drinking an entire bottle). . Ok so Ive posted many times about my road. I had a few wobbles along the way, especially if I was stressed, then I made a PROFOUND discovery about myself. Your sleep quality should continue to improve, and this (amongst other benefits) should provide an improvement to your overall health. Ive spent nearly 40 years drinking. lets go week 4, All the very best to anyone out there who is struggling with alcohol, I know how difficult it is, you have it in you to be what ever and who ever you want to be. It is easy to stop, but hard to quit 4ever when you are single. Just a month in for me, looking much better in my face, no weight loss overall though but thats something to address over time. Anybody that is struggling with quitting, its not an easy step but once over that threshold you may never look back and live the rest of your life AF as I am planning on doing. I sleep now 7-8 hrs every night up from 5-6 and i feel much more relaxed, focussed and a calmer , nicer partner and dad. By not drinking alcohol, your sleep will improve, which will also give you more energy and improve your physical and mental health. I dont have nightmares anymore, off an ssri, and so much more. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. Due to some tests the past 6 months I started to pay more attention to my metrics. 3 Months 3 months of not drinking reduces your risk Now, there are a lot of things that happen in between these 6 months, from changes and improvement in mental health to ones physical health. Spending more time gardening, playing with the exception of a small glass of at! 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